Category: rare diseases

News about Neuroendocrine Cancer Expert Physicians
Three appointments and a newly established one-year neuroendocrine tumor (NET) fellowship herald an exciting new year for several NET specialists.
Edward M. Wolin, MD, Co-Medical Director of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, has been named Director…
Neuroendocrine Cancer Survivor Featured on Discovery Fit & Health TV Show
THIS JUST IN: Tannis Brown, a pheochromocytoma patient and Vice President of the Pheo Para Troopers, will be featured on the Discovery Fit & Health Network on Monday, July 9 in a program titled Diagnosis: Dead or Alive.* The 60 minute show will focus…
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Type 1 Seminar Scheduled for June 2012 at Mayo Clinic
MEN, carcinoid, and neuroendocrine cancer patients, family members, caregivers, advocacy groups, physicians, and healthcare professionals are invited to attend the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Seminar presented by American Multiple Endocrine…
Racing for a Cause: Carcinoid Car Selected as Finalist in Sponsafier Competition!
Fantastic news! The top ten finalists have been announced and the CARCINOID CAR is a Finalist in the Sponsafier competition! There are 15 days left to vote for the next Sponsafier Champion. We need your help – please vote every day from today, October 5,…
New Feature for Medical Professionals on Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Website
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce that a new feature for the medical community has been added to its website, The section is entitled Continuing Medical Education (CME). Upcoming events include:
- The Penn

Colorado Golf Tournament to Benefit Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and High School Scholarship Fund
If you love golf, want to support the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, and are in the Denver, Colorado, area on Saturday, September 24, 2011, please sign up for The Toby Plank Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament will be held in memory of Toby M. Plank, …
Phase II Clinical Trial Recruiting Carcinoid and Related Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients
Participants are being recruited for a Phase II clinical study of capecitabine and temozolomide (CAPTEM) for neuroendocrine cancer patients with progressive, differentiated, metastatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Patients with carcinoid,…
9 Conferences for the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Community
If you are a carcinoid or NET cancer survivor, caregiver, family member or medical professional you can learn about what’s happening now and what’s new in carcinoid/NETs treatments, clinical trials, research, and more from specialists…
READ MOREMusic for the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Community
What music has been important to you on your journey as a carcinoid neuroendocrine tumor survivor? We asked this question on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Facebook page and got a wonderful variety of responses that we are sharing here with videos …
Call for Nominations: 2011 Warner Advocacy Award
Novartis Oncology has announced its 2011 Warner Advocacy Award named in honor of Monica Warner, a driving force behind the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation for two decades and an extraordinary advocate for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor survivors. …