This section provides more in-depth and advanced information about carcinoid and other neuroendocrine tumors.

Many neuroendocrine tumors mimic carcinoid cancer symptoms and diagnostic tests. Find below papers and links to websites with information about carcinoid cancer and description of other neuroendocrine tumor conditions that can be misdiagnosed as carcinoid.

Patient-Friendly Websites

  • MedlinePlus: Carcinoid Tumors
    Services and providers for Carcinoid Tumors in the U.S.
    The primary NIH organization for research on Carcinoid Tumors is the National Cancer Institute.
    An amazingly comprehensive resource summary of information about carcinoid from major medical institutions.
    (Take your time this is long and has multiple links to many relevant topics.)


  • If you need the latest publication on Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors, please search PubMed. Here you will find abstracts and full texts of the most recent medical journal articles over tha past three years.  NOTE:  These are often very technical and more suitable for for medical and health professionals.
    TIP: enter either carcinoid or neuroendocrine tumors in the search field.
  • Flushing: Is It Carcinoid or Something Else?
    Flushing can be an exaggeration of a physiological process or a manifestation of a serious condition that needs to be identified and treated. Christian Nasr, M.D., presents guidelines that will help determine when a biochemical work-up is warranted.
    From The Cleveland Clinic Disease Management Project, published December 2004.
  • Information on Carcinoid and Related Neuroendocrine Tumors
    This website, created by, provides comprehensive, authoritative, and updated information on endocrine disease directed to physicians around the world caring for patients with these problems. All material may be freely downloaded for personal use and is in a textbook format.
    This information is somewhat technical.
    Topics covered on these webpages include:

    • Introduction-Development and Anatomy, by Aaron Vinik, M.D. ,Ph.D.
    • Carcinoid Tumors, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Gastrinoma Syndrome, by Roger R Perry, M.D. , FACS
    • Insulinomas, by Roger R Perry M.D.
    • MEN I and MEN I, by Roger R Perry M.D.
    • VIPomas, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Glucagonoma, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Somatostatinoma, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Pancreatic Polypeptide-oma, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Neurotensinoma, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Ghrelinoma, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Management of Neuroendocrine Tumors of the GI Tract, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
    • Chemotherapy for Islet Cell Carcinomas, by Aaron Vinik M.D.
  • Bronchial Carcinoid (full text PDF)
    A highly technical doctoral thesis from Uppsala University, written by Dan Granberg M.D.
    Uppsala, 2001, 75 pages, From the series “Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations”
    ISBN 91-554-4957-3

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