Video Recordings and Lecture Transcripts of Local and National Patient Carcinoid/NET Conferences and More


Several patient-oriented carcinoid seminars and conferences are held each year. In this section, you can find videos and lecture transcripts by prominent carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NETs) specialists.
These video recordings and lecture transcripts give both simple and more in-depth information about carcinoid and other neuroendocrine tumors (NETs).

In 2012, the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation began a new series of videos featuring carcinoid/NET specialists and patients. Read more about the series here. These videos are made possible thanks to the generosity of Kim, Heather and Lauren Simpson and other family and friends and were created in “loving memory of Cheryl Stanley Simpson of Gainesville, Florida.”

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Direct linking to any of these transcripts, podcasts, or video recordings is prohibited.

NOTE: Videos in this section are best viewed with Adobe Flash Player. If you are unable to view pictures of the lecturers (from high-speed broadband connection), make sure that you use Adobe Flash Player installed and that Real Player is uninstalled.

Year 2018

In celebration of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s 50th anniversary in March 2018, CCF is releasing a year-long video series beginning with a feature on Dr. Richard Warner, founder of CCF. The series is made possible thanks to the generosity of and in collaboration with Lexicon Pharmaceutical’s Fit-to-Fight program.

Laughter Is the Best Medicine: Steve Mazan

Steve Mazan has known since he was a kid that he wanted to make people laugh. A diagnosis of neuroendocrine cancer in 2005 made this stand-up comedian and inspirational speaker more determined than ever to realize his dream of being on the David Letterman show. He was told he had 5 years to live; 13 years later he’s a nationwide performer, an Emmy Award-winning television writer, an author, and a TED speaker. “It doesn’t matter how much time you have,” says Steve, “It’s what you do with it.”


Fate and Friendship

When Xochi and Ellen met little did they know they would form a unique bond. Together, these awesome friends have held each other up, provided comfort during difficult times, and navigated the next steps in the journey of living with neuroendocrine cancer.

Letting Go and Looking Forward

Diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2014, Stacie’s first reaction was fear and anxiety. Then she found yoga, where she is strong, present, and in control. “You have to find something to be grateful for every day because there is always something to be grateful for,” says Stacie.

Fear and Hope

Mack was devastated when he was diagnosed with carcinoid in 1997, especially when the doctor said, “You have cancer.” Fear was his initial reaction but his faith, a loving wife, wonderful friends, and becoming the leader of the neuroendocrine cancer support group in Georgia led him to living with the disease with hope and optimism.

A Lifetime of Commitment: Richard R.P. Warner, MD

Supported by his family and friends, Dr. Richard R.P. Warner founded the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation in 1968. “Over these past five decades, CCF has become an integral part of the support system that improves patients’ lives by providing information, connecting patients and doctors, by building and supporting patient communities and by promoting an environment that encourages further research. In fact, the goal of improving patients’ lives has driven everything we do,” says Dr. Warner.

Year 2017


With special thanks to the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for allowing us to share general and NET specific videos from the SNMMI 2017 Annual Meeting held in Denver, Colorado in June. Click here for more information about the 2017 Patient Education Day. 

Year 2016

January 2016 Bay Area Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient Conference, hosted by UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center in cooperation with NorCal CarciNET Community, the NET Research Foundation, and Stanford University Medical Center.  Featured topics on the latest developments in NET research and treatment included treatment options, clinical trials and phase III results, nuclear medicine and molecular imaging as well as strategies for living with cancer.  New this year was a Pre-Conference Primer on NETs for those who are newly diagnosed or who need a refresher on the basics of NETs.  With special thanks to Josh Mailman and the guest presenters for sharing these videos.

01 – Intro to the Day – Ron Hollander from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Emily Bergsland – NET Primer from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.


General Session Welcome – Dr. Bergsland from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Ashworth – President UCSF Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center – Opening Remarks from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Pamela Kunz – 2015 Clinical Trial Review from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Thomas Hope on Imaging NETS from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Erik Mittra – PRRT from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Daniel Sze – Liver Directed Therapy from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Eric Liu – Bio Markers from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Q and A Panel from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Warner Advocacy Award Presentation from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Tumor Board Panel from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Lawrence Fong – Immunotherapy from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Ron Hollander – Funding Research from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Dr. Eric Nakakura on Research from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Ron Hollander Projects Under Funding from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

20 – Dianne Shumay from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Working with your Care Team Panel from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.

Closing from NorCal CarciNET Community on Vimeo.


Year 2015

New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork Conference, October 2015

Carcinoid/NETs: Living Longer, Living Better, a day-long conference sponsored by the New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork on October 3, 2015 shared information on a variety of topics for carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients, caregivers, and all interested in learning more about NETs. Topics covered ranged from carcinoid heart disease and the role of diet for NET patients to an update in the diagnosis and management of neuroendocrine cancers and significant developments in NETs over the past two years.  Patients also learned more about how to navigate their disease.  The conference featured carcinoid/NET specialists Dr. Richard R.P. Warner and Dr. Thomas O’Dorisio, cardiologist Dr. Jerome Zacks, oncology nutritionist Leigh Anne Burns, and nurse practitioner Nancy Roehnelt.

The first video below is an introduction to the conference.  Click here for the conference agenda.  We are grateful to the guest speakers for sharing copies of their presentations to accompany the videos.  These are not to be reproduced unless permission is granted by the speaker.







Year 2013

New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork Conference, November 2013

Carcinoid/NETs: Moving Forward, a day-long conference sponsored by the New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork on November 2, 2013, gave participants the opportunity to learn more about recent developments regarding these rare diseases; surgical treatment options, including what’s currently available and what will be coming next; how neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are treated; what are the neuroendocrine symptoms and diseases associated with carcinoid; and everything you always wanted to know about PRRT (peptide receptor radionuclide therapy) but didn’t know who to ask.  The conference featured carcinoid/NET specialists Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Dr. Eric H. Liu, andDr. Yi-Zarn Wang, as well as endocrinologist Dr. Justina Deitz. 

The first video below is an introduction to the conference and gives the patient, physician, and advocate perspectives on the value of attending carcinoid/NET conferences.

PDF of Dr. Warner’s Presentation

PDF of Dr. Deitz’s Presentation

PDF of Dr. Liu’s Presentation

PDF of Dr. Wang’s Presentation

With deepest appreciation to the Carcinoid Cancer Texas Survivors Support Group for sponsoring, videotaping,and giving permission to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation to share this special presentation featuring carcinoid/NET specialist Eric H. Liu, MD, Director of the Neuroendocrine Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. “Neuroendocrine Cancer: Making Sense of the Disease”was held on June 8, 2013 at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Liu’s talk is shared here in 3 parts, with the last part being the Questions and Answers session.

Year 2012

The ABC’s of Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors

Faces of Hope

Surgery and Treatment Options: Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors

Why I Became Interested in Carcinoid/NETS
What prompted carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor specialist Dr. Eugene Woltering to become interested in these rare cancers?

Year 2011

New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer Network conference

November 5, 2011

Carcinoid/NETs: Not Your Average Cancer

These videos are made possible through a collaborative effort of the New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer Network and the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation.

The symposium videos can be viewed here in order of presentation:

  • Introduction and Welcome, Jim Weiveris and Judy Golz
  • Richard R.P. Warner, MD (presentation is in two parts)
  • Michael Soulen, MD
  • Robert Fine, MD
  • Guiseppe Condemi, MD
  • Rodney Pommier, MD
  • Q & A

CCF’s 14th Annual Carcinoid NETs Symposium

Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
May 1, 2011

Neuroendocrine Tumor Management:  The Era of Personalized Medicine

Read More about the Symposium.

Due to technical difficulties the question and answer period following Dr. Wolin’s presentation is not available in a video format.

The symposium videos can be viewed here in order of the presentations:

  • Keith Warner
  • Richard R.P. Warner, MD
  • Edward M. Wolin, MD
  • Eugene A. Woltering, MD
  • Q & A with Dr. Woltering
  • Patient Panel moderated by Gilles Frydman


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