Call for Nominations: 2011 Warner Advocacy Award

Novartis Oncology has announced its 2011 Warner Advocacy Award named in honor of Monica Warner, a driving force behind the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation for two decades and an extraordinary advocate for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor survivors.  Presented by Novartis Oncology through Patient Advocacy and The NET AllianceTM, the award will be given to the individual who best embodies the spirit, passion, and dedication of Monica Warner.  Nominations are now being accepted and all submissions are due by 5 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, July 29, 2011.

The late Monica Warner of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

The late Monica Warner of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

The winner of this year’s award will be announced in the fall.  The recipient will receive an individual award of recognition (nonmonetary).  Novartis Oncology will present a $10,000 donation to an approved 501(c)(3) charitable organization of the winner’s choice.  Institutions and non-501(c)(3) organizations are not eligible to receive the award.

Nominees may be a patient, caregiver, or citizen.  Although Novartis recognizes the contributions and dedication of healthcare professionals, the award is not intended to be given to a healthcare professional.

Nominations will be reviewed for the following criteria:

  • Number of patients assisted
  • Innovation of patient-focused project(s)  — (Examples of projects include, but are not limited to: brochures, awareness outreach, teleconferences, one-on-one counseling, local/regional/national/international conferences, interactive Web activity)
  • Area of outreach (local, regional, national, international)
  • Facilitation of positive change
  • Evidence of collaboration with group leaders (local, regional, national, international)

When Monica Warner, the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Director of Development and Research Coordinator, died suddenly on August 7, 2009, the carcinoid/NET community lost one of their most staunch advocates.

The Warner Advocacy Award, created by Novartis Oncology as a lasting tribute to Mrs. Warner, was given to Monica posthumously at the National Carcinoid/NET Patient Conference in September 2009. Dr. Mildred Ortu Kowalski, Novartis Oncology’s Director of Patient Advocacy, Public Affairs and Communications, presented the award to Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Monica’s beloved husband and Medical Director of The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, at the conference.  Dr. Kowalski said, “We hope that the creation of the advocacy award will be viewed as a tribute to Monica’s vision of helping patients.  As Novartis Oncology continues to work to improve the lives of patients with cancer, we also will continue to honor Monica’s memory by presenting the Warner Advocacy Award each year.”

Maryann Wahmann, winner of the 2010 Warner Advocacy Award

Maryann Wahmann

Maryann Wahmann, founder and vice president of the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN), was the recipient of the 2010 Warner Advocacy Award.  Maryann has helped thousands of NET patients through educational initiatives and collaboration with other advocacy groups and healthcare professionals.