Tag: pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

A Possible Cure for Neuroendocrine Cancer — It Can Be Named for You or a Loved One
For $1.6 million (1 million pounds) an oncolytic virus that has the potential to cure neuroendocrine cancer can be named for the donor. At Uppsala University in Sweden researchers are ready to start a clinical trial for up to 20 NET (neuroendocrine tumor)…
Cycling the C&O Canal for Carcinoid
When Diane and Dwight Mikulis cycle the 184 miles of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal this summer, they will bring greater awareness to the rare cancer that Diane’s mother, Stella Mae Lux Behers, battled for six years after being diagnosed in 1996. Like …
Monica Grundmann Dedicates Championship Ride to Carcinoid Cancer Awareness
Congratulations to carcinoid cancer survivor Monica Grundmann on winning the OCTRA 25 mi/40 km Competitive Trail Ride in Stormont, Ontario, Canada with her MORAB stallion, Excalibur Legend, on June 10th (check out those zebra striped gloves!!). …
Mud Cats Little League Team Raises Awareness for Carcinoid Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
To the amazing Mud Cats Little League Team, their coaches, families and friends we say a huge THANK YOU!!! Raising awareness about carcinoid cancer and funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation was the goal of the June 2, 2012 Loudoun County, Virginia…
2012 CNETS Canada Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Conference Joins Medical Professionals, Patients & Caregivers
Carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor specialists from around the world, fascinating presentations on all aspects of these rare diseases, the opportunity to meet fellow carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NETs) patients and caregivers from…
World Cancer Day — February 4
Today, February 4, is World Cancer Day — uniting the world in the fight against cancer by raising awareness, educating the public, and lobbying for change. Together we can reduce the global cancer burden.
World Cancer Day takes place every year …

5 Blogs and 2 Websites Recommended by the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
Blogs and personal websites are informative, inspirational, imaginative, and a wonderful way for writers to share what’s on their mind with a wide group of people. There are several blogs and websites that the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation finds invaluable…
Carcinoid and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Cancer Survivors Share Their Journeys
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of several new Survivor Stories on its website, www.carcinoid.org. These are stories of courageous carcinoid and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) survivors who, in several…
Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day Update: Events from Australia to Europe to North America
Go around the globe for the second Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day (WNCAD) on November 10, 2011. Throughout that day, videos featuring NET events and experts will air on www.netcancerday.org as the sun travels west, from Australia to Europe to North…
Breaking News: Steve Jobs, Co-Founder and Former CEO of Apple, Has Died
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and the carcinoid/NET community express their deepest sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, who died on Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Mr. Jobs was diagnosed with an islet …