Mud Cats Little League Team Raises Awareness for Carcinoid Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

To the amazing Mud Cats Little League Team, their coaches, families and friends we say a huge THANK YOU!!! Raising awareness about carcinoid cancer and funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation was the goal of the June 2, 2012  Loudoun County, Virginia game and the results were incredible. There were over $4,200 in donations at the time of the game and donations are still coming in, now totaling more than $4,500!!  Over 100 people attended the game on a beautiful, sunny day.    Thank you so much for your generosity and support.  You are the best!!!

Mud Cats Little League Team in Virginia Raises Awareness about Carcinoid Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

THANK YOU Mud Cats Team and Coaches!!!

The zebra theme took to both the field and the day on June 2nd.  Check out the fantastic zebra striped shoelaces sported by the team. Delicious black-and-white cookies, tied with zebra striped ribbon, were enjoyed by all! Awareness items including carcinoid/NET bracelets and pins and a fact sheet about carcinoid/NETs were available for all who attended.  Why the zebra theme for carcinoid and NET cancers, such as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (the cancer that affected Steve Jobs of Apple)?  When in medical school, students are taught to think horses not zebras, meaning consider a diagnosis of  common diseases when patients presents with symptoms of common illnesses.  While the symptoms of carcinoid and other NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancers may be the symptoms of  diseases such as Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, roseacea and asthma, they may also be the symptoms of rare diseases — carcinoid and NET cancers.

Mud Cats Little League Team Raises Awareness about Carcinoid Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

Check out those zebra striped shoelaces!

And take a look at the fantastic zebra painting created by artist Richelle Kaufman.  Richelle is a classically trained fine artist who combined a background in the sciences with a BFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts to obtain a certificate in police composite drawing.  She is a forensic artist for the FBI and studied with the renowned forensic sculptor, Frank Bender.  Richelle generously donated her painting to be auctioned in support of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation.

Mud Cats Little League Team in Virginia Raises Awareness about Carciniod Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

Here’s what the Carolina Mudcats Baseball Club had to say about their namesake Little League team, which they posted on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Facebook page:

Carolina Mudcats Baseball Club (Official) We are very proud to share our name with this amazing group of young men. It is no small feat to raise thousands of dollars, and to do it in the name of a worthy charity such as this is a truly noble gesture, especially at such an early age. Ballplayers at every level should live up to the example that they have set here. Thank you for your contributions and be sure to never lose your passion for helping others.

We congratulate the Mud Cats on winning their game on June 2 and for being such wonderful advocates for and supporters of the carcinoid/NET cancer community.  Thank you to each and every one of these fantastic team members and coaches!!!  You are all winners in our eyes!!!