Category: World NET Community

deval patrick governor of massachusetts

16th US Governor Supports NET Cancer Awareness

January 7, 2011

Deval L. Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts, is the 16th United States governor to support carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancer awareness.  In his proclamation of December 24, 2010 declaring November 2010 NET Cancer Awareness Month, Governor…

map worldwide net cancer awareness day

12th United States Governor Supports NET Cancer Awareness

November 14, 2010

Jim Doyle, Governor of Wisconsin, is the 12th United States governor to join in the global campaign for NET Cancer Awareness.  Governor Doyle named November 10th Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day.


Nearly 4,400 people have signed the Proclamation…

governor schwarzenegger net cancer awareness

California Governor Calls for Increased NET Cancer Awareness & Research

November 12, 2010

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California is the 11th United States Governor to support NET cancer awareness.  In his November 10, 2010 letter to the Northern California Neuroendocrine Cancer Fighters, a support group for carcinoid and NET cancer

carolyn bennett st pauls

Breaking News from Canada about Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

November 5, 2010

For the first time in the history of Canada’s Federal Parliament, a member of the House of Commons has taken the floor to speak about the need for awareness of neuroendocrine cancer.  On Tuesday, November 2nd, the Honorable, Dr. Carolyn Bennett, PC, MP

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New York Governor Names November Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month

November 4, 2010

David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, has proclaimed the month of November 2010 Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month in the Empire State.  He is the 8th governor to participate in the Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day campaign. In his proclamation,…

bobby jindal governor of louisiana

Governors of Louisiana and Montana Join Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Campaign

October 26, 2010

Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana have become the 6th and 7th United States governors to pledge their support to the first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day on November 10, 2010Governor Schweitzer wrote,…

m jodi rell governor of connecticut

Connecticut Governor Issues Proclamation for Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day

October 22, 2010

M. Jodi Rell, Governor of Connecticut, has named November 10 as Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day. She is the fourth United States Governor to participate in the global campaign to raise awareness about carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancers and the …

jay nixon governor of missouri

Governor of Missouri Proclaims November 10, 2010 Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Day

October 15, 2010

In recognition of the first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day, Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon, Governor of Missouri, has declared November 10, 2010 to be Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Day.  In his proclamation, Governor Nixon talked about the importance…

dave heineman governor of nebraska

Governors of Nebraska & Mississippi Declare November 10th NET (Neuroendocrine Tumor) Cancer Awareness Day

September 17, 2010

The World NET Community thanks Dave Heineman, Governor of the State of Nebraska, and Haley Barbour, Governor of the State of Mississippi, for proclaiming Wednesday, November 10, 2010 as Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day.  In their proclamations both…

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Proclamation Heralds Worldwide Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Cancer Awareness Day: November 10, 2010

May 26, 2010

To raise greater awareness of neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancers the first annual Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day is being planned for Wednesday, November 10, 2010.  In preparation for this unique day, a proclamation has been created by the World