16th US Governor Supports NET Cancer Awareness

Deval L. Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts, is the 16th United States governor to support carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancer awareness.  In his proclamation of December 24, 2010 declaring November 2010 NET Cancer Awareness Month, Governor Patrick stated:  “. . .Whereas through timely diagnosis and proper treatment, NET cancer patients can enjoy a better quality of life; and Whereas through public awareness the Commonwealth of Massachusetts seeks to provide an opportunity for all people to learn more about the causes and warning signs of this disease, in order for it to be detected early and treated effectively. . . .”

Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts

Each of the US governors was first approached by Maryann and Robert Wahmann, Steering Committee members of Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day and vice president and president, respectively, of the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network, seeking support of the international NET cancer awareness campaign.  Pamela ter Gast, a carcinoid patient and Massachusetts resident, was watching as various US governors supported November 10, 2010, the first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day.  With the same determination that she fights her rare cancer, she contacted Governor Patrick’s office, seeking his support.  And now, she says, she is equally dedicated to ensuring that Massachusetts becomes the first state to declare the month of November 2011 NET Cancer Awareness Month!  Thank you, Pam, for your perseverance and indomitable spirit.

The first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day was an extraordinary awareness campaign, attracting interest from individuals, patient advocacy and support groups, medical professionals, politicians, businesses and corporations, and the media throughout the world.  Hundreds of events took place on and around the day in Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Sweden, Canada, the United States, Norway, and more. A Proclamation urging NET cancer awareness has been signed online by more than 4,600 people on six continents and in person by over 2,000.  Read more about the campaign at www.netcancerday.orgSIGN and SHARE the Proclamation, become a FAN on Facebook, and FOLLOW the campaign on Twitter.

The World NET Community thanks Governor Deval L. Patrick for his support of carcinoid and NET cancer awareness.