New York Governor Names November Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month

David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, has proclaimed the month of November 2010 Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month in the Empire State.  He is the 8th governor to participate in the Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day campaign. In his proclamation, Governor Paterson wrote, “Whereas, the citizens of the Empire value the benefits of good health, recognizing that it is the key component of a long, productive and fulfilling life . . . we support observances that raise public awareness concerning urgent health matters – one of the most pressing issues today being the various forms of cancer that affect people of all races, nationalities, and socioeconomic backgrounds . . . .”  The World NET Community thanks Governor Paterson for his support.

With less than a week to go until the first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day on November 10th, more than 3,350 people from six continents have signed the WNCAD Proclamation.  Visit to sign the Proclamation and learn more about events planned around the world in and on November 10th.