California Governor Calls for Increased NET Cancer Awareness & Research

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California is the 11th United States Governor to support NET cancer awareness.  In his November 10, 2010 letter to the Northern California Neuroendocrine Cancer Fighters, a support group for carcinoid and NET cancer patients, he wrote:  “Cancer affects millions of Californians, either directly or through a loved one.  It can strike in many different forms and neuroendocrine cancer is a lesser-known but increasingly prevalent form. . . . While neuroendocrine tumors (NET) can often be cured through surgical procedures if found during its early stages; this rare form of cancer tends to be overlooked by doctors. . . . I encourage everyone to do their part to help find a cure and increase research on this disease.”

The World NET Community thanks Governor Schwarzenegger for his support of the first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day.
