Category: carcinoid awareness

NY Islanders Team Up with Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network
The New York Islanders ice hockey team will join with the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN) on Wednesday, December 22nd in the fight against carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancers. The 7 pm game at the Nassau Coliseum in Hempstead, New York, will…
Worldwide NET (Neuroendocrine Tumor) Cancer Awareness Day Website Goes Live
A new website,, has just gone live to launch an international campaign to bring about greater awareness of neuroendocrine cancers. The first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day (WNCAD) will take place on November 10, 2010. The…
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Welcomes Channeling Jackie-O
When Marlena Johnston was first diagnosed with carcinoid cancer of the appendix in April 2010, she went to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website and embarked on a journey to learn all she could about her rare disease. She began with Newly Diagnosed:…
Advocacy Award Honors the Late Monica Warner of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation: Call for Nominations
Novartis Oncology has announced its 2010 Warner Advocacy Award named in honor of Monica Warner, a driving force behind the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation for two decades and an extraordinary advocate for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor patients. …
Carcinoid Cancer Advocacy
For Heather Yohnka-Boettcher serving as an advocate for carcinoid cancer is her focus as a team captain in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. The 2010 Relay for Life of Van Buren West will be held on June 12 and 13 from 10:00 am to 10:00 am at Bangor…
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Salutes CCAN
As we enjoy the holiday season and prepare for the New Year, it is also a time to reflect upon the past year and to recognize those individuals who go above and beyond on a daily basis to improve the lives of carcinoid cancer/neuroendocrine tumor patients …