Category: carcinoid awareness

10 Highlights of the Year 2011 for the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Community
As the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation looks back on the year 2011, there were many significant events and advances for the carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) community. Here are 10 of the year’s important stories:
1) The FDA approved the first…
Show Your Stripes: Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness Items for the Holidays
During this holiday season, there are many wonderful zebra-striped carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor awareness items that can be shared as gifts. We’ve scoured the Internet again and have come up these new finds. There are also zebra-striped pins,…
Carcinoid and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Cancer Survivors Share Their Journeys
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of several new Survivor Stories on its website, These are stories of courageous carcinoid and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) survivors who, in several…
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Announces New Video Series
In recognition and support of Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day, the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce a new video series that will begin in 2012. This series, made possible by the generosity of Kim, Heather and Lauren Simpson and other…
Racing for a Cause: Carcinoid Car Selected as Finalist in Sponsafier Competition!
Fantastic news! The top ten finalists have been announced and the CARCINOID CAR is a Finalist in the Sponsafier competition! There are 15 days left to vote for the next Sponsafier Champion. We need your help – please vote every day from today, October 5,…
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Rare Cancer
From your next door neighbor to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple who just announced that he is stepping down as CEO of the company, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) affect less than 1 person in 100,000 in the United States. This rare cancer is often…
Two Lung Carcinoid Survivors Inspire and Lead the Way
Deirdre Durant finished folding the last of 1,000 origami cranes only days before surgery to remove her left lung. She was seeking to fulfill the ancient Japanese legend that promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by…
Racing for a Cause: Please Vote for the Carcinoid Car through August 20
UPDATE, August 22: Voting is now closed for the Carcinoid Car. Thanks to all who voted the Carcinoid Car received 2,114 votes!! If the car goes to Round Two we will share the information with everyone and ask for your votes again. We really appreciate…
9 Conferences for the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Community
If you are a carcinoid or NET cancer survivor, caregiver, family member or medical professional you can learn about what’s happening now and what’s new in carcinoid/NETs treatments, clinical trials, research, and more from specialists…
ASCO Expressions of Hope: Now Accepting Artwork for 2011-2012 Calendar
Carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer survivors and anyone who has been affected by cancer — patients, friends, families, caregivers — are invited by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to share their emotions through art …