Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Welcomes Channeling Jackie-O

When Marlena Johnston was first diagnosed with carcinoid cancer of the appendix in April 2010, she went to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website and embarked on a journey to learn all she could about her rare disease.  She began with Newly Diagnosed: The Basics and then immediately went to Survival Stories.  “Seeing those smiling faces of carcinoid/NET survivors was really important for me,” says Ms. Johnston.  Ms. Johnston is an 11th and 12th grade English teacher at a Catholic high school in Paramus, New Jersey. She has kept an online journal of her experiences as a carcinoid patient through her blog, Channeling Jackie-O.  Included in her blog are such entries as “House MD on FOX Television,” in which she identifies the 5 references to carcinoid during the show’s first and fifth seasons (May 31 blog entry), and several entries in July about her surgery.  Ms. Johnston’s blog is now part of the Survival Stories on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website, offering inspiration and hope for others who have carcinoid and related neuroendocrine cancers.  Please visit the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website to read Ms. Johnston’s blog and other patient stories/blogs or to visit patient websites by clicking here.

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Welcomes Channeling Jackie-O

Marlena Johnston and her partner Gary Hull