A new website, www.netcancerday.org, has just gone live to launch an international campaign to bring about greater awareness of neuroendocrine cancers. The first Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day (WNCAD) will take place on November 10, 2010. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancers among decision makers, health professionals and the general public. Information is vital to improving quality of life and prognosis for NET cancer patients. The theme for the 2010 awareness campaign is “The Early Detection of NET Cancers.”
Events are being planned on and around November 10 in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America including a Zebra Walk, “Strides for Stripes,” sponsored by the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN) in New York; the MyKnight Annual Ball, sponsored by the Unicorn Foundation in Australia; meetings for patients and physicians with neuroendocrine cancer specialists at six university hospitals sponsored by Carpa in Sweden; as well as WNCAD proclamation signings worldwide. Many additional events and activities are planned in Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Norway, Poland, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Sign, Share, Follow, Fan:
Sign the Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day proclamation (in English, French, Bulgarian, Spanish, Norwegian, Polish, or German: other languages will be available in the future)
Share the proclamation with friends, family, colleagues, and physicians
Follow NET Cancer Day on Twitter
Fan NET Cancer Day on Facebook
To read more about Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day and to learn how to become involved, visit www.netcancerday.org.