Category: carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor treatments

Understanding Patient Preferences in Neuroendocrine Tumor Treatments
When you meet with your healthcare team do you discuss what is important to you as you consider neuroendocrine tumor treatment options? You can help physicians better understand patient-centered treatment decision making by participating in this…
Cytoreductive Surgery: Why, When, & How often?
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation recently presented a Live Q&A session with Dr. Xavier Keutgen, discussing surgery for people living with neuroendocrine…
Markey Cancer Center to Host OncLive Summit on Neuroendocrine Tumors
The UK Markey Cancer Center in Lexington, Kentucky, will host OncLive’s State of the Science Summit on Neureoendocrine Tumors (NETs) on Saturday, April 20, 2019. The Summit is “designed to educate healthcare professionals on the clinical benefits …
STARTRK-2: A Basket Trial for Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients with Specific Gene Rearrangements
Precision medicine, molecular testing, basket studies, STARTRK-2 – it may sound like technology of the future but it is here today and it might be the answer to slowing or stopping tumor growth for neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients who have specific…
In Memoriam: Edda Gomez-Panzani, MD
It is with deep sorrow that we learned of the passing of Edda Gomez-Panzani, MD on June 30, 2015. The NorCal CarciNET Community shared a tribute to Edda who “was instrumental in gaining FDA approval for Somatuline (lanreotide) for NETs patients …
2014 National NET Cancer Patient Conference — Registration Now Open
Carcinoid and NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancer patients, caregivers and family members, as well as physicians and other health professionals, have a unique opportunity to learn more about NET cancer, including the latest information about diagnosis…
A Possible Cure for Neuroendocrine Cancer: Exciting Update!
Back in September 2012 we shared the following: “For $1.6 million (1 million pounds) an oncolytic virus that has the potential to cure neuroendocrine cancer can be named for the donor. At Uppsala University in Sweden researchers are ready to start a …
First U.S. Center to Enroll Patients in International, Multicenter Clinical Trial of Lu-177 Octreotate
Excel Diagnostics and Nuclear Oncology Center in Houston, Texas, is the first center in the United States to start recruiting patients in a multicenter randomized clinical trial of Lu-177 Octreotate in patients with progressive midgut carcinoid. …
A Possible Cure for Neuroendocrine Cancer — It Can Be Named for You or a Loved One
For $1.6 million (1 million pounds) an oncolytic virus that has the potential to cure neuroendocrine cancer can be named for the donor. At Uppsala University in Sweden researchers are ready to start a clinical trial for up to 20 NET (neuroendocrine tumor)…
Neuroendocrine Cancer Survivor Featured on Discovery Fit & Health TV Show
THIS JUST IN: Tannis Brown, a pheochromocytoma patient and Vice President of the Pheo Para Troopers, will be featured on the Discovery Fit & Health Network on Monday, July 9 in a program titled Diagnosis: Dead or Alive.* The 60 minute show will focus…