Category: cancer advocacy

2020 Monica Warner Award: Call for Nominations
Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), a Novartis company, has announced that nominations are open for the 11th Annual Monica Warner Award! AAA is continuing the Novartis tradition of sponsoring the award, which commemorates the life and work of…
Cytoreductive Surgery: Why, When, & How often?
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation recently presented a Live Q&A session with Dr. Xavier Keutgen, discussing surgery for people living with neuroendocrine…
9th Annual Monica Warner Award: Call for Nominations
Novartis has announced that nominations are open for the 9th Annual Monica Warner Award, which commemorates the life and work of Monica Warner as a driving force in the neuroendocrine tumor (NET) community. Nominations will be accepted until December…
Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors and Social Security Disability Benefits
Carcinoid tumors are usually slow growing tumors that arise from the neuroendocrine system, which produces hormones. Many carcinoids begin in the digestive track and can lead to carcinoid syndrome, which refers to an array of symptoms that occur as …
Call for Nominations: 2013 Warner Advocacy Award
Novartis Oncology has announced the 2013 Warner Advocacy Award, named in honor of the late Monica Warner, a driving force behind the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation for two decades and extraordinary advocate for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor patients.…
“Sunny Susan” Anderson Wins 2012 Warner Advocacy Award
When “Sunny Susan” Anderson began her search on the Internet in 1995 for information about carcinoid cancer little did she realize that she would later create the first carcinoid patient website and become an extraordinary advocate for others seeking…
A Possible Cure for Neuroendocrine Cancer — It Can Be Named for You or a Loved One
For $1.6 million (1 million pounds) an oncolytic virus that has the potential to cure neuroendocrine cancer can be named for the donor. At Uppsala University in Sweden researchers are ready to start a clinical trial for up to 20 NET (neuroendocrine tumor)…
Monica Grundmann Dedicates Championship Ride to Carcinoid Cancer Awareness
Congratulations to carcinoid cancer survivor Monica Grundmann on winning the OCTRA 25 mi/40 km Competitive Trail Ride in Stormont, Ontario, Canada with her MORAB stallion, Excalibur Legend, on June 10th (check out those zebra striped gloves!!). …
Mud Cats Little League Team Raises Awareness for Carcinoid Cancer and Funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
To the amazing Mud Cats Little League Team, their coaches, families and friends we say a huge THANK YOU!!! Raising awareness about carcinoid cancer and funds for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation was the goal of the June 2, 2012 Loudoun County, Virginia…
Run for Hope to Benefit Carcinoid Cancer Research and Education
Get your running shoes ready for the 8th ANNUAL RUN FOR HOPE on Saturday, August 4, 2012. The goal of the run is to raise awareness of carcinoid cancer, provide education, and give hope . . . while raising funds for carcinoid research and education and the …