March 30 Is National Doctors’ Day

March 30 is NATIONAL DOCTORS’ DAY. In recognition of carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor (NET) doctors – you are our heroes and superheroes!! Pictured are some of the NET specialists throughout the United States.Carcinoid_NET Specialists collage 2015

Pictured by columns, left to right, top to bottom are:

Column 1

  • Dr. Rodney Pommier, Oregon
  • Dr. Manisha Shah, Ohio
  • Dr. Matthew Kulke, Massachusetts
  • Dr. Emily Bergsland, California
  • Dr. Aaron Vinik, Virginia

Column 2

  • Dr. Sue O’Dorisio, Iowa
  • Dr. Eugene Woltering, Louisiana
  • Dr. George Fisher, California
  • Dr. J. Philip Boudreaux, Louisiana
  • Dr. David Metz, Pennsylvania

Column 3

  • Dr. Eric Liu, Tennessee
  • Dr. Heidi Connolly, Minnesota
  • Dr. Richard Warner, New York
  • Dr. Alexandria Phan, Texas

Column 4

  • Dr. Thomas O’Dorisio, Iowa
  • Dr. Pamela Kunz, California
  • Dr. Lowell Anthony, Kentucky
  • Dr. Jennifer Chan, Massachusetts

Column 5

  • Dr. Edward Wolin, Kentucky
  • Dr. Yi-Zarn Wang, Louisiana
  • Dr. Diane Reidy Lagunes, New York
  • Dr. Jonathan Strosberg, Florida
  • Dr. James Yao, Texas

Information about these doctors and additional physicians can be found on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Find a Doctor list:

For local physicians who would like to contact national and international carcinoid/NET specialists to discuss and share their experiences with diagnostic, treatment and surveillance options and procedures for rare neuroendocrine cancers, there is an online discussion group here: Many of these specialists have up to forty years’ experience in managing these orphan diseases.