Tag: Dr. Heidi Connolly Mayo

Dr. Heidi Connolly to Be Featured Guest for CCF’s Luncheon with the Experts
April 4, 2022
Heidi M. Connolly, MD, cardiologist and echocardiographer at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, will be the featured guest for CCF’s Facebook Live Luncheon with the Experts on Thursday, April 7 from 12 noon to 1 pm, Eastern Time. Dr. Connolly’s …
March 30 Is National Doctors’ Day
March 29, 2015
March 30 is NATIONAL DOCTORS’ DAY. In recognition of carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor (NET) doctors – you are our heroes and superheroes!! Pictured are some of the NET specialists throughout the United States.
Pictured by columns, left to right, top …