Tag: cancer advocacy

World Cancer Day — February 4
Today, February 4, is World Cancer Day — uniting the world in the fight against cancer by raising awareness, educating the public, and lobbying for change. Together we can reduce the global cancer burden.
World Cancer Day takes place every year …

Carcinoid and NET Patients: Honor Your Oncology Nurse
If you are a carcinoid or neuroendocrine cancer patient or caregiver for whom an oncology nurse has made an enormous difference, now you can nominate that nurse for CURE’s 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing. This is a unique opportunity…
New York Governor Names November Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month
David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, has proclaimed the month of November 2010 Carcinoid and NET Cancer Awareness Month in the Empire State. He is the 8th governor to participate in the Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day campaign. In his proclamation,…