Tag: Richard Warner

gallium 68 scan at mt sinai 2015 2

First Northeastern Facility Offers Gallium-68 DOTATOC PET/CT Imaging for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Patients

February 9, 2015

When Brian Hakimian had the 68Gallium DOTATOC PET/CT scan at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai in New York City on January 14, 2015, he became the first carcinoid patient to undergo this novel imaging test at a northeastern facility. Now in clinical…

luncheon with the experts nyc may 2014

Luncheon with the Experts in New York City — Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients Are Invited!

April 13, 2014


The Big Apple Noids support group invites you to join fellow carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients and three medical experts for lunch on Sunday, May 4 from 12:30 to 3:30 pm in a private dining room at Dorrian’s restaurant in Manhattan…


New Jersey Carcinoid Cancer NETwork Conference Videos Now Available

January 19, 2014

Carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients, physicians, caregivers, support group leaders and patient advocates gathered to learn more from nationally and internationally recognized carcinoid/NET specialists and local physician specialists…

cheryl stanley simpson

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Releases New Video Series Beginning with “The ABC’s of Carcinoid/NETs”

October 19, 2012

What is the most common kind of neuroendocrine tumor (NET)?  How do these tumors grow?  What is carcinoid syndrome?  What are the quality of life issues for patients?  In “The ABC’s of Carcinoid/NETs,” three of the world’s leading carcinoid and NET cancer…

ottawa chateau laurier conference center

2012 CNETS Canada Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Conference Joins Medical Professionals, Patients & Caregivers

February 5, 2012

Carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor specialists from around the world, fascinating presentations on all aspects of these rare diseases, the opportunity to meet fellow carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NETs)  patients and caregivers from…

Richard R.P. Warner, MD2

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Rare Cancer

August 26, 2011

From your next door neighbor to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple who just announced that he is stepping down as CEO of the company, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) affect less than 1 person in 100,000 in the United States.  This rare cancer is often…

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Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Thanks Symposium Sponsors

April 21, 2011

There’s still time to register for the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s 14th annual  symposium for patients, family, friends, and healthcare professionals, which will be held on Sunday, May 1st at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.  The Foundation…


RadioMedix $2.8 Million Grant from Texas Emerging Technology Fund to Result in New Products that Benefit Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Patients

March 23, 2011

Two innovative products that will enable users to generate and label PET radiotracers on-site at a significantly reduced cost will be developed by RadioMedix, Inc. with a $2.8 million grant from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.  According to Ebrahim

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WebMD Articles Raise Awareness about Carcinoid Cancer

January 30, 2011

Understanding carcinoid tumors, carcinoid syndrome, and treatments for carcinoid when surgery is not an option are the focus of three feature articles by Ellen Greenlaw on WebMD.com this month.  For these articles, Ms. Greenlaw sought the expertise…

ebrahim s delpassand md facnm

FDA Approves Novel Radio-peptide Targeted Therapy Clinical Trial for Neuroendocrine Cancer: PRRT (Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy)

August 24, 2010

For the first time in North America, neuroendocrine cancer patients will have the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial of Lutetieum-177 (LU-177)with Octreotate. Ebrahim S. Delpassand, MD, chief executive officer and medical director of…