Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Releases New Video Series Beginning with “The ABC’s of Carcinoid/NETs”

What is the most common kind of neuroendocrine tumor (NET)?  How do these tumors grow?  What is carcinoid syndrome?  What are the quality of life issues for patients?  In “The ABC’s of Carcinoid/NETs,” three of the world’s leading carcinoid and NET cancer specialists — Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Dr. Edward M. Wolin, and Dr. Eugene A. Woltering  — talk about the advice they offer their patients, the advances they have seen during their careers, and what they anticipate will be available for NET patients in the future.

If you or a loved one were newly diagnosed with carcinoid cancer or another neuroendocrine tumor, such as a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (pNET), what would you want to know about these rare diseases?  What information would you like to share with your local doctor?  Learn more in the first video of a new series presented by the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation. (Click on the words YouTube on the bottom right below to see the video in a larger format.)

These videos, made possible by the generosity of Kim, Heather and Lauren Simpson and other family and friends, has been created “In loving memory of Cheryl Stanley Simpson of Gainesville, Florida.  Cheryl was a loving and incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, teacher and friend.  May her courage and dignity in fighting carcinoid cancer and this program help save the life of someone else in her memory.”

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Video Series

Cheryl Stanley Simpson

Throughout this unique series the focus is on topics of importance to the carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor community including surgery and treatment options, lung carcinoid, nutrition, and living well with NET cancer.  Additional videos in the series will be released throughout the remainder of 2012.

Awareness and education are the first critical components in the fight against carcinoid and NET cancers.  Early detection and diagnosis can both enhance the quality of patients’ lives and extend their lives.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is dedicated to bringing about this awareness as advocates for all who are currently living with carcinoid and related neuroendocrine tumors, their families, and those yet to be diagnosed. We are honored to be of service to this community and hope that our efforts continue to make a difference in your lives.