First Mobile App for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Community Goes Live

The first mobile app for carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients is now available for downloading on the iPhone, iPad, and Android!  My NET Manager, a free app provided by Novartis Oncology, offers patients a unique opportunity to track their symptoms, set reminders, access test results, and view important dates.  The app includes a medication tracker, an insurance tracker, a place to list physicians’ names and contact information, information about NETs, including a glossary, and more!

My NET Manager mobile app for carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor patients goes live

The app features:

  • My Profile
  • My Doctors
  • My Test & Result Tracker
  • My Medication Tracker
  • My Insurance Tracker
  • More About NETs

A Contacts section offers the app user a place to list laboratories, doctors, pharmacies, and insurance companies.

Mobile app for carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor patients, My NET Manager