Tag: iPhone app for cancer patients

App international release April 2017

Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines — Now Available in Seven Countries

April 17, 2017
 Are you from the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Singapore? A new self-care management tool for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) is now available for you!

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) and our partner Self Care Catalysts (SCC)

my net manager

First Mobile App for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Community Goes Live

June 15, 2012

The first mobile app for carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients is now available for downloading on the iPhone, iPad, and Android!  My NET Manager, a free app provided by Novartis Oncology, offers patients a unique opportunity to track…