Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s May 2011 Symposium Now Online

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to share with you videos from its carcinoid/NET symposium, “Neuroendocrine Tumor Management:  The Era of Personalized Medicine,” held on May 1, 2011 at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

Following a welcome by Keith R.P. Warner, CEO of the Foundation, Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Medical Director of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and Director of the Center for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors at Mt. Sinai Hospital, gave Introductory Remarks.

The guest speakers were Dr. Edward M. Wolin, Co-Director of the Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and Dr. Eugene A. Woltering, The James D. Rives Professor of Surgery and Neurosciences at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Dr. Wolin spoke about “Carcinoid and NETs in 2011:  Now, New, Next” and the topic of Dr. Woltering’s lecture was “From the Bedside to the Laboratory and Back Again.”

A patient panel was presented and moderated by Gilles Frydman, founder of ACOR (Association of Cancer Online Resources) and a member of the Founding Circle, Society of Participatory Medicine.

Due to technical difficulties the question and answer period following Dr. Wolin’s presentation is not available in a video format but will be online in a written format shortly.

The symposium videos can be viewed here in order of the presentations:

  •  Keith R.P. Warner, Welcome


  • Richard R.P. Warner, MD, Introductory Remarks


  • Edward M. Wolin, MD, “Carcinoid and NETs in 2011:  Now, New, Next”


  • Eugene A. Woltering, MD, “From the Bedside to the Laboratory and Back Again”


  • Dr. Eugene Woltering, Questions and Answers


  • Patient Panel, presented and moderated by Gilles Frydman
