The program for the Carcinoid Neuroendocrine International Conference and Symposium for Medical Professionals and Patients to be held in Vancouver, Canada from May 13 to May 16 is now available online at:
The conference will begin with a welcome by Maureen Coleman and Jim Kormos, President and Vice President of CNETS (the Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Society Canada), respectively. Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Medical Director of The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and Professor of Medicine at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, will introduce the theme of the conference when he opens the first session with “An Overview of NETs: The Need for Networks of Expertise.”
Topics to be covered during the conference include the importance of clinical trials and their relevance for GI neuroendocrine tumors, interventional radiology, the genetics of NETs, treatments such as PRRT and LU 177, what’s new in NETs research, and circulating markers and prognostic indicators for NETs. Guidelines for the management of neuroendocrine tumors will be presented by each of the major carcinoid/NET medical societies: NANETS (North America), ENETS (Europe), UKINETS (United Kingdom and Ireland), and Canadian guidelines.
Conference reservations can be made by clicking here: