Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines — Now Available in Seven Countries

 Are you from the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Singapore? A new self-care management tool for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) is now available for you!

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) and our partner Self Care Catalysts (SCC) are pleased to announce that the Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines app is now available in the following countries: United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

This FREE app makes it easier for you to manage your self-care with the following health tools:

  • Medication Tracker*
  • Food Diary
  • Stool Diary
  • Daily Moods Tracker & Journal
  • and more!

Everything you record in the app is summarized in a simple view called “My Storylines,” which helps you to see patterns in your symptoms and overall well-being over time, allowing you to be more proactive with your health.

By using Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines, you have the opportunity to anonymously contribute learning from your story to a vital data resource that the healthcare industry can use to improve care in the future, for people like you.

*Note: The medication list available in the app is currently drawing from the United States FDA and Health Canada’s drug database, and may not contain certain medications that are only available in other countries. It will be updated in the future with the drug list from your country.

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