Tag: Dr. Aman Chauhan

Dr. Aman Chauhan to Be Featured Guest for CCF’s Luncheon with the Experts
Aman Chauhan, MD, Director of NET Theranostics at UK Markey Cancer Center in Kentucky, will be the featured guest for CCF’s Facebook Live Luncheon with the Experts on Thursday, February 24, 2022 from 12 noon to 1 pm, Eastern Time.
A medical oncologist, …
Progastrin, Novel Blood-Based Biomarker for Detection of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Clinicians and researchers at the University of Kentucky Division of Medical Oncology, College of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Department of Surgical Oncology; ECS Progastrin in Switzerland; Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud in France; and Biospecimen…
Promising Developments in the Pipeline for High Grade Neuroendocrine Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment
“Treatment for high grade neuroendocrine neoplasms (abnormal tissue growth) is moving the way that the treatment for triple negative breast cancer is moving — toward the realization that there are a basket of subtypes and that each can be potentially…