Carcinoid and NET Patients: Honor Your Oncology Nurse

If you are a carcinoid or neuroendocrine cancer patient or caregiver for whom an oncology nurse has made an enormous difference, now you can nominate that nurse for CURE’s 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing. This is a unique opportunity to honor an oncology nurse who has touched your life or that of a loved one. CURE is accepting essay nominations from patients, survivors, caregivers, and peers describing the compassion, expertise, and helpfulness that a special oncology nurse has exhibited.  The deadline for nominations is Monday, March 21, 2011.

CURE 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing

You can win a trip to Boston for you and your nurse.  Three nurse finalists, the individuals who nominated them, plus one guest each, will receive round-trip airfare and a two night’s stay in Boston.  They will be honored at a reception to be held on April 28, 2011 in conjunction with the Oncology Nursing Society’s 36th Annual Congress.  One nurse will be presented with the 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing. He/she will also receive a special gift in recognition of service to cancer patients and survivors.

Essays must be 1000 words or less and detail how your nurse helped you heal throughout your cancer journey. Limit one entry per person.

If you have any questions about the contest, contact CURE by e-mail at, by telephone at (214) 367-3506, or by postal mail at CURE Extraordinary Healer Award Contest, CURE Media Group, 3102 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 610, Dallas, TX 75219.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the carcinoid and NET community to recognize oncology nurses who are truly exceptional healers.