
RadioMedix $2.8 Million Grant from Texas Emerging Technology Fund to Result in New Products that Benefit Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Patients

March 23, 2011

Two innovative products that will enable users to generate and label PET radiotracers on-site at a significantly reduced cost will be developed by RadioMedix, Inc. with a $2.8 million grant from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.  According to Ebrahim

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Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Symposium Features Leading NET Cancer Specialists & a Patient Panel

March 5, 2011

What are the most state-of-the-art treatments for carcinoid and NET cancer patients today?  Join us on May 1st when the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation presents its 14th Annual Symposium, “Neuroendocrine Tumor Management: The Era of Personalized

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Neuroendocrine Tumors Featured on Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Television Series

February 11, 2011

For a comprehensive overview of neuroendocrine tumors, watch this fascinating video on the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind television series. Every episode on the health and wellness TV series focuses on the stories of real people; people who are working…

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WebMD Articles Raise Awareness about Carcinoid Cancer

January 30, 2011

Understanding carcinoid tumors, carcinoid syndrome, and treatments for carcinoid when surgery is not an option are the focus of three feature articles by Ellen Greenlaw on this month.  For these articles, Ms. Greenlaw sought the expertise…

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Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Thanks Steve Jobs for Bringing about Greater Awareness of Neuroendocrine Cancers

January 28, 2011

Since the announcement was made earlier this month that Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs would be taking a medical leave of absence there has been significant media coverage about pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, NET cancer, and carcinoid.  Although…

cure 2011 extraordinary healer award

Carcinoid and NET Patients: Honor Your Oncology Nurse

January 24, 2011

If you are a carcinoid or neuroendocrine cancer patient or caregiver for whom an oncology nurse has made an enormous difference, now you can nominate that nurse for CURE’s 2011 Extraordinary Healer Award for Oncology Nursing. This is a unique opportunity…

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17 iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry Apps for Carcinoid Patients and Physicians

January 20, 2011

There are a growing number of invaluable apps for carcinoid cancer patients and physicians who own iPhones, Droids, or a BlackBerry.  Whether you are looking for a way to store personal medical information, find emergency phone numbers in more than 130…

Rare Disease Day Partner

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Asks You to Help Support Rare Disease Day: Write Your Reps Campaign

January 19, 2011

Carcinoid patients, physicians, family, friends and colleagues can help support Rare Disease Day 2011 by participating in NORD’s Write Your Reps CampaignNORD (National Organization for Rare Diseases) and its advocacy partners have worked with…


Fortune Reports That Steve Jobs Sought Neuroendocrine Cancer Treatment in Switzerland

January 18, 2011

Fortune reported today, January 18, 2011, that Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs went to Basel, Switzerland in 2009 seeking treatment for neuroendocrine cancer. Read the story HERE.…

Steve Jobs Talks about Liver Transplant

Steve Jobs to Take New Medical Leave from Apple

January 17, 2011

Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and the most well-known member of the carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor community, is taking a new medical leave of absence.  This announcement was reported today, January 17, 2011, by The New York Times, a year…