NET Alliance Issues New E-Book on Neuroendocrine Cancer

NETrospectives, a new e-book produced by The NET Alliance, is “a journey through the past and a vision for the future of neuroendocrine cancer.” The e-book presents patients, patient advocates, and physicians talking about the diagnoses of these rare diseases, imaging techniques and treatment options, raising the standard of care, and connecting with others in the carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor (NET) community.

“Twenty-five years ago when I began to specialize in neuroendocrine cancer therapy, we Larry K. Kvols, MDhad very limited options for the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine cancers,” says carcinoid/NET specialist Dr. Larry Kvols (pictured). “The last few years we have seen a real sea-change of new treatments that are available for these patients.”

New treatments, widely available treatment guidelines, and better classification of neuroendocrine cancers all can have a significant impact on patients’ lives and the clinical practice of doctors who are treating carcinoid/NET patients.

Dr. Frederico Costa talks about the need for physicians to consider NET cancer when patients present with symptoms that could overlap with other diseases. Oncology nurse Nancy Roehnelt stresses the importance of understanding the uniqueness of each NET patient’s case.

NET centers which offer a multidisciplinary approach to patient care are important from both the physician’s point of view and the patient’s. These centers offer “a collaborative approach that is proven to raise the standard of care for patients.”

Initially, the NET journey might be a lonely one. “As a NET patient you do feel alone in this world, nobody around you has the same diagnosis.” Support groups, NET organizations, and carcinoid/NET conferences help change that journey into one of empowerment. “One of the best ways to fight carcinoid cancer,” says a patient, “is knowledge.”

NETrospectives, CCF

Listen to NET advocates from around the world as they talk about their views on advances in NET cancer ranging from access to information on the Internet to growth of support groups, social media connecting the NET community to the zebra as the symbol of NETs, and Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day joining patients globally every November 10th.

NETrospectives, Bulgaria

Additional information from the NET Alliance includes Living with NETs, Expert Opinions, NET Support, NET Community Resources, patient stories, and a video library. READ MORE