Just opened to the patient community and the public, with limited space available, is a free live webinar featuring carcinoid and NET cancer specialist Dr. Eric Liu, Director of the Neuroendocrine Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. The webinar, “Imaging of Neuroendocrine Tumors and Obstacles to Diagnosis,” will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, August 22, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time. To register, click here: http://courses.icpme.us/class_learn?course=274
Dr. Liu is Director of the Vanderbilt Neuroendocrine Center and Director of Surgical Services. He was recruited to Vanderbilt in 2009 to develop the Neuroendocrine Center, after studying with renowned neuroendocrine surgeon Kjell Oberg, MD, PhD, in Sweden, who was perfecting the use of radioactive imaging tracers that offered patients new treatment options. Dr. Liu’s clinical interests include all aspects of surgical oncology and endocrine surgery with an emphasis on the treatment of neuroendocrine and carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal, and endocrine diseases He actively engages in research, developing new biomarkers and imaging techniques for better diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors.
The webinar is jointly sponsored by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine International Center for Postgraduate Medical Education and NANETS, the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society. It is designed for radiologists, oncologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, and other healthcare providers who diagnose and treat patients with NETs. CME credit is available. For questions regarding the webinar, please contact ICPME at 607-257-5860.