Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Announces New Video Series

In recognition and support of Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day, the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce a new video series that will begin in 2012.  This series, made possible by the generosity of Kim, Heather and Lauren Simpson and other family and friends, has been created “In loving memory of Cheryl Stanley Simpson (pictured below) of Gainesville, Florida.  Cheryl was a loving and incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, teacher and friend.  May her courage and dignity in fighting carcinoid cancer and this program help save the life of someone else in her memory.”

Throughout this unique series we will focus on topics of importance to carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) community.  Why is the series unique?  Because we’re reaching out to the community for requests on topics of interest related to carcinoid and NETS. Please send an email to us through the contact form on our website,, with your suggestions for video topics.

Once the most requested topics are selected, we will announce the speakers who will be featured in the videos and you will have an opportunity to submit questions that can be answered by these speakers.  We hope to provide answers to questions for which information is not readily available on our website or other carcinoid/NET websites.  Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Medical Director of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, will review all submitted questions and choose the ones to be answered by the speakers.

Awareness and education are the first critical components in the fight against carcinoid and NET cancers.  Early detection and diagnosis can both enhance the quality of patients’ lives and extend their lives.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is dedicated to bringing about this awareness as advocates for all who are currently living with carcinoid and related neuroendocrine tumors, their families, and those yet to be diagnosed. We are honored to be of service to this community and hope that our efforts continue to make a difference in your lives.


Keith Warner, CEO, Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
Keith Warner
Chief Executive Officer
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation