United States Governors Supporting NET Cancer Awareness Now Total 15

Iowa Governor Chet Culver, Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson, and Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry have each named November 10th as NET Cancer Awareness Day in support of the global campaign for greater awareness about carcinoid and NET cancers.  With the proclamations they have issued, the number of United States Governors calling for greater awareness of NET cancers is now 15.

Governor of Iowa, Chet Culver

Chet Culver, Governor of Iowa

Please visit www.netcancerday.org to learn more about the global campaign and to SIGN and SHARE the Proclamation, become a FAN on Facebook, and FOLLOW the campaign on Twitter.

Governor of Kansas, Mark Parkinson, Supports NET Cancer Awareness

Mark Parkinson, Governor of Kansas

The World NET Community thanks Governors Culver, Parkinson, and Henry for their support.

Brad Henry, Governor of Oklahoma, Supports NET Cancer Awareness

Brad Henry, Governor of Oklahoma