Take Them a Meal: How to Help a Carcinoid Patient

If you know a carcinoid cancer patient who has just had surgery or is feeling too ill to cook, here’s a great website to visit:  http://takethemameal.com.

carcinoid cancer

TakeThemAMeal.com is a free online tool designed to coordinate the delivery of meals to someone who is in need. You and others who care about your family member, friend or colleague can create a meal schedule and a customized online sign up. In just a few minutes, phone numbers, driving directions, food allergies, and any other helpful details can be communicated to everyone involved.  Recipes and tips from experienced meal providers are also available on the website. And as the meal recipient you can get a list of who has brought you meals. You can even follow TakeThemAMeal on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TakeThemAMeal. This is a great resource not only for helping carcinoid patients but for any time you want to reach out to a loved one – whether a person is ill, elderly, or has had a new baby.