Y-90 Radiomicrosphere Therapy Workshop To Be Offered in Florida

Carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer patients interested in learning more about Y-90 radiomicrosphere therapy can join physicians, scientists, and technologists for a workshop being presented by “Advances in Minimally Invasive Treatments” International Congress and Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine on June 30, 2010 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida.    The program director for the workshop is carcinoid/NET specialist Seza A. Gulec, MD, FACS.

The objective of the workshop is to present the current clinical data and technical information on Y-90 radiomicrosphere therapy in depth. The topics of discussion will focus on clinical management of complicated cases using interventional radiology strategies, comprehensive treatment planning techniques and dosimetry. The workshop will also provide product-specific (glass and resin microspheres) application guidelines as well as new technology on image analysis/processing software used for clinical treatment planning/dosimetry and new diagnostic and therapeutic products at investigational stages.

Yttrium-90 (Y-90) Radiomicrosphere Therapy (RMT) is the delivery of radiation treatment via intrahepatic arterial administration of Y-90 microspheres. Y-90 is a high energy beta particle emitting radioisotope. The selective nature of microsphere distribution allows the delivery of high doses of radiation to tumors while keeping the exposure of the un-involved liver at a minimum.

“The therapeutic ratio and outcome are more pronounced in carcinoid tumor liver metastases due to the hypervascular nature of these tumors as well as their protracted clinical course. The experience with Y-90 microsphere therapy in carcinoid tumors is steadily increasing,” Dr. Gulec explains.   Recently, a relatively large retrospective and multi institutional study involving 148 patients was published. Dr. Gulec notes that, “The study demonstrated that 86 % of patients demonstrated radiographic response (CT, MRI or Octreotide scan) to therapy out of 185 treatments.”

“Treatment of carcinoid tumor liver metastases with Y-90 microspheres results in effective cytoreduction, disease consolidation and symptom control. Additionally, with improved potential for tumor down-staging, a subsequent surgical resection is gaining attention,” says Dr. Gulec.

The Y-90 workshop welcomes interventional radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiation oncologists, medical and surgical oncologists, scientists and technologists in the nuclear radiology and physics fields and all other professionals who have interest in radiomicrosphere therapy.  Patients are also invited to attend.

In addition to Dr. Gulec, the faculty for the workshop are:

  • Yuman Fong, MD, FACS, Chief, Gastric & Mixed Tumor Service, Vice Chair, Technology Department, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

Faculty from Florida International University College of Medicine in Miami, Florida are:

  • Aron Berkman, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Medical Oncology
  • Anthony McGordon, PhD, Associate Professor and Chairman, Biomedical Engineering
  • Peter Swischuk, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology and Chief of Interventional Oncology
  • Pedro Jose Greer, Jr., MD, Professor of Medicine and Chief of Gastroenterology/Hepatology

Dr. Seza Gulec, MD, FACS, is a member of the comprehensive cancer program at Jackson North Medical Center in Miami, Florida.  He is also a professor of surgery and radiology/nuclear medicine at the Florida International University (FIU) Wertheim College of Medicine and is one of its founding faculty members.  Dr. Gulec’s areas of clinical expertise include treatment of carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumors, thyroid and parathyroid diseases, melanoma, breast cancer, primary and metastatic liver cancers, and pancreatic cancer.

The main focus of Dr. Gulec’s current research is molecular imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy in solid tumors. His laboratory is also actively involved in the development of novel PET imaging agents, and radioimmuno, radiopeptide and radiomicrosphere therapy strategies.  He has also authored landmark publications in lymphatic mapping, sentinel node biopsy, radioguided surgery, radionuclide therapy, and molecular imaging.