Tag: NET Patient Foundation Incorporating Living with Carcinoid

Peter Stothard

Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day Updates

June 21, 2011

With less than five months until the second Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day on Thursday, November 10, 2011, there have been many exciting developments to share with the carcinoid and NET community.

The first Chinese NET website (www.net.org.tw) …

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Proclamation Heralds Worldwide Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Cancer Awareness Day: November 10, 2010

May 26, 2010

To raise greater awareness of neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancers the first annual Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day is being planned for Wednesday, November 10, 2010.  In preparation for this unique day, a proclamation has been created by the World


Worldwide Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Cancer Awareness Day: November 10, 2010

March 16, 2010

An extraordinary, first of its kind event is planned for November 10, 2010: Worldwide NET (neuroendocrine tumor) Cancer Awareness Day.  Leaders of carcinoid/NET patient support and advocacy groups from throughout the world have been brought together…