Group: Diagnosis and Surveillance

If I have been diagnosed with carcinoid syndrome due to a high 5-HIAA & symptoms, but nothing shows on a CT scan, what’s next?

October 17, 2015

If I understand your question correctly, you state that a diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome is suspected because of symptoms and high urine 5-HIAA, but the CT scan is normal and you want to know what other tests should now be done to prove the diagnosis. Failure…


I would like to know if taking a PPI (Nexium) will alter the chromogranin A count?

October 17, 2015

Our Medical Director, Richard R.P. Warner MD, states that ALL PPI’s (example, Nexium) will alter CgA results and
should therefore be withheld for about  1 month prior to  the chromogranin A (CgA) test.  Zantac or Tagamet can be substituted during this…


Why do 5-HIAA urine tests sometimes come back high and other times low after carcinoid tumors have been removed?

October 17, 2015

The urine 5-HIAA test for carcinoid is crude and can be strongly influenced by special diet and drugs. The patient must be on a special diet before and during the urine collection. Even then the test can miss up to 50% of the cases. It should not be relied on …


If the 5-HIAA test misses up to 50% of carcinoid tumors, does this refer to both symptomatic & asymptomatic carcinoid tumors?

October 17, 2015

Urine 5-HIAA will correctly diagnose almost all midgut carcinoid tumors causing carcinoid syndrome but only 1/2 of foregut carcinoids causing an endocrine syndrome and almost none of the hindgut carcinoid (which rarely  cause any endocrine syndrome…


Does 5-FU effect the 5-HIAA test?

October 17, 2015

5-FU is a form of chemotherapy. It might shrink a carcinoid and hence lower 5-HIAA in the urine, but it also can cause a transient increase in 5-HIAA since more is released temporarily by decaying tumors. However, the drug itself does not interfere with …


Does Levovist, an ultrasound contrast agent made up of milk sugar (galactose), work for carcinoid in imaging tests?

October 17, 2015

This is a  contrast agent to help sonographic imaging of the portal vein and certain types of liver tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma – HCC). It does not have current immediate application in carcinoid disease since there is very limited or no experience…


Is a colonoscopy to rule out GI lesions or an OctreoScan required after removal of an appendix with a small carcinoid?

October 17, 2015

If the carcinoid was greater than 1.5 cm diameter, or if it extended through the appendiceal wall to the serosa or the fat regardless of size, or if mesoappendix or nodes involvement were present – a right hemicolectomy should be done preceded by …