Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients and Clinical Trials — Seeking Volunteers for Interviews

A pharmaceutical partner has commissioned a research company to try to understand how clinical trials can be carried out in a way that better suits carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor patients, their families, and the physicians who treat them. The research team would like to understand how people find out about clinical trials, and once they start on the clinical trial journey how they feel their experience can be improved.  They are interested in learning more about this right from your first appointment with a clinical trial physician and throughout the trial.

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It is only by understanding your experiences, thoughts and feelings that researchers can continue to make clinical trials that are easier for you to access and a better experience for all involved.

Our pharmaceutical partner is looking for 10 volunteers in the United States who have either some experience of participating in clinical trials or who have been approached to join a trial or considered joining a trial but didn’t to be interviewed by telephone for approximately 30 minutes. We anticipate a large number of people interested in participating in the interviews and interviewees will be selected based upon the order in which they respond.

A small payment is being offered for your time and in the future there may be an opportunity to take part in a small workshop with other patients to help work on improving access and information around clinical trials.

If  you  are  interested  in  being  interviewed  or  have  any  questions,  please  contact  Louise Handbury at Please be in touch with Louise by August 5, 2016.  You would also need to be available for a telephone interview by August 19th.

The researchers thank you in advance for your participation and assistance – together we can make a difference for all patients who participate in clinical trials.