New and Improved App for Managing Carcinoid Cancer and Neuroendocrine Tumors

Have you heard about or downloaded the Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines self-care app? Originally launched last year, the app has been updated recently with lots of improvements based on your feedback!

Developed in partnership with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF), Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines makes it easy to record your symptoms, nutritional concerns, moods, medication, and more. Choose what you want to track to build your own summary “My Storylines” to learn more about your health, and to share with your doctor about what happened between visits.

Based on feedback from carcinoid and NET cancer patients about how they would best benefit from the app, the following improvements Carcinoid NETs app, Daily Check Inhave been made:

  • Weekly and monthly medication reminders to fit your medication and injection schedule
  • Daily check-in feature to remind you to track your health (sometimes it is hard to remember with so much going on!)
  • A Healing Music Box to inspire peacefulness through your cancer journey, featuring music composed by Giovanna Imbesi
  • Community polls so you know how others like you are doing
  • A ton of new improvements to make the app easier to use

But wait there’s more! You can choose from a suite of health tools to help you better manage carcinoid and NET cancer, whether you are just diagnosed, on active treatment, or on surveillance:


Taking your prescribed medications on schedule is an essential part of overall self-care. Keep your mind at ease by receiving reminders for taking your medications on your mobile device.Carcinoid NETs app, Food Diary


Document what foods may be triggering symptoms such as flushing or diarrhea. This helps you choose and adjust to the right foods, which may be helpful to give you better control over your symptoms.


Track and understand your emotions and what might be driving them. Keep a journal as it has been shown to increase well being.


Pick and choose other tools so you can customize the app to meet your needs. Many users have found the Stool Diary (available from the Tool Library) useful in helping them track their bowel patterns and triggers.

If you haven’t used Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines, or have not yet experienced this new and improved version, try it today:

Carcinoid NETs app, on the web