NETumor Humor Benefit

“If you’re laughing about it, you’re talking about it.”  Comedic performances by Greg Fitzsimmons, Frangela, Adam Ray, Andie Bolt, Eliana Horeczko, Fortune Feimster and more will be featured during the NEtTumor Humor Benefit at the Westside Comedy Theater in Santa Monica, California at 7:30 pm on Thursday, December 6, 2012 Proceeds will benefit the Cedars-Sinai Carcinoid and Neuorendocrine Tumor Research Cancer Fund at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute.  Dr. Edward Wolin, a nationally and internationally-renowned carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor specialist, is Co-Director of Cedar-Sinai’s Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Program.

NETumor Humor Benefit for carcinod and NET cancer research

The NETumor Humor Benefit will also feature live music and a raffle.  Great prizes have been generously donated for the event.

NETumor Humor Benefit for carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer research

Andie Bolt and Eliana Horeczko are the co-creators of the: NetTumor Humor website.  Both women are comedians and Andie’s mom has been battling NET cancer since 2010.  Andie writes on the NETumor Humor website, “ . . . frankly I got a little sick of these dumb tumors making people sad all the time so this is me trying to change that. Laughter really is the best medicine!  (Medicine is also good medicine).  So come out and join us, use laughter medicine to raise money for new medicine medicine!  Hope to see you soon.  And if you would like to be involved anyway please let us know. We’d love to have you.”


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