“How much do you know about stomach cancer” will air on The Dr. Oz Show on Thursday, January 5, 2012. And a carcinoid cancer patient is included in the episode!
In the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area the show is on Fox 5 TV and airs at 4 pm. Click here to visit The Dr. Oz Show website to see the list of episodes for the week. You can find the station and air time for the show based on where you live. Please note there is a possibility dates for episodes will change so check again on January 5th!
Dr. Oz is professor of surgery at Columbia University. He directs the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York–Presbyterian Hospital. Complementary medicine, healthcare policy, and heart replacement surgery are among his research interests. Dr. Oz appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show for five seasons. He is the author of over 400 original publications, book chapters and medical books and has received several patents.
What’s Your Risk for Stomach Cancer? Click here to see the video.
Thank you, Dr. Oz, for helping to bring about greater awareness of carcinoid and NET cancer!!