Suzi Garber, jewelry designer and owner of The Barking Zebra website,, has added a Signature Line of zebra pins, earrings, cufflinks, and charms to the collection of elegant awareness jewelry available on her website. The jewelry benefits a variety of causes, including the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.
The zebra charm in sterling silver is so versatile that it can be made into a stick pin, charm, or used with beads. Here’s Barkin’ At You Pins are available in three styles: tie tack, lapel or stick pins. Here’s Barkin’ At You Charms are barking zebras with attitude! Available in both sterling silver and gold vermeil, they look great when worn on a necklace or on a charm bracelet. What could be a better conversation starter than The Barking Zebra Cufflinks?

Zebra cufflinks will surely get the conversation going! And what a great way to educate others about carcinoid.
There are many other items to choose from at The Barking Zebra, including Monica’s Bracelet, an elegant sterling silver bracelet created to honor Monica Warner, the driving force behind the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation for two decades, who died suddenly in August 2009.
Medical ID jewelry, including items engraved with a zebra head and the words Carcinoid Cancer, is also available at The Barking Zebra. A medical ID bracelet or charm could save your life. “When you might not be able to speak for yourself, a medical ID bracelet or necklace will speak for you and insure timely, appropriate medical care,” says Ms. Garber.
Congratulations to The Barking Zebra for being included in the Ladies’ Home Journal, July 11 edition, in the article “Style Alert” about medical-alert jewelry. As reported in the Journal, “Paramedics are trained to look for medical-alert jewelry, and the wrist is the first place they check while taking a pulse,” notes Jennifer Frenette, board member for the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.
Why is the zebra associated with carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)? In medical school, doctors are taught, “If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” This phrase captures the philosophy that it is generally more productive to look for common rather than unusual causes for disease. Within the carcinoid/NET community, our goal is to have physicians consider the uncommon when patients experience symptoms associated with more frequently diagnosed illnesses.
For additional zebra carcinoid and NET awareness items, including zebra rubber bracelets, pins, a car/refrigerator magnet, stuffed animals and more, visit the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website page, Show Your Stripes, by CLICKING HERE.
And read our blog, All Things Zebra for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness.