The single biggest international carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor conference in Canada will be presented by the Canadian Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS) from Thursday, May 13 to Sunday, May 16, 2010 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The theme of the conference for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals is Neuroendocrine Cancers: Networks of Expertise. Leading neuroendocrine specialists from eight countries will come together with the patient and medical community to discuss diagnosis and treatment. The beautiful Coast Plaza Hotel, overlooking English Bay and Stanley Park, will be the venue for the conference. Space is limited to 375 attendees. Conference planners are very excited about the event and, according to Maureen Coleman, President of CNETS, “are working very hard to make the conference be the best it can be.”
The guest speakers for the conference are some of the leading carcinoid cancer/ neuroendocrine tumor specialists in the world. Please click on each name to read their bio:
Prof. Joy Ardill, Researcher, Peptide Lab, Belfast, Ireland
Prof. Dr Rudolf Arnold, Internal Medicine, Marburg Germany
Prof. Sylvia Asa, Pathologist, Toronto, Ontario
Dr. John Buscombe, Nuclear Medicine, Royal Free, London, UK
Dr. Herbert Chen, Chief, Section of Endocrine Surgery, University of Wisconsin
Dr. Wouter de Herder, Consultant Endocrinologist, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Holland
Dr. Bryan Dias, Cardiologist, London, Ontario
Dr. Al Driedger, Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Medicine, London, Ontario
Dr.Dan Granberg, Endocrine Oncologist, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Dr. Tony Heaney, Neuroendocrinologist, David Geffen School, Los Angeles, LA
Dr. Hagen Kennecke, Medical Oncologist, Vancouver, BC
Dr.Walter Kocha, Medical Oncologist, London, Ontario
Dr. Eric Krenning, Nuclear Medicine, Rotterdam, Holland
Dr. Larry Kvols, Internal Medicine, Oncologist, Florida, US
Dr. David Liu, Interventional Radiologist, Vancouver, BC and Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Eric H Liu, Surgical Oncologist, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Tennessee
Dr Sandy Mc Ewan, Nuclear Medicine, Edmonton, Alberta
Dr. Irvin Modlin, Prof Gastroenterological Surgery, Yale University, Connecticut
Dr. Sue O’Dorisio, Pediatric NETs, Iowa City, Iowa
Dr. Thomas O’Dorisio, Endocrinologist, Iowa City, Iowa
Dr. Dermot O’Toole, Gastroenterologist, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Donald Poon, Consultant Medical Oncologist, National Cancer Centre, Singapore
Dr. Daniel Rayson, Medical Oncologist, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dr. Susan O’Reilly, VP, BC Cancer Agency ,Vancouver
Dr. Janice Pasieka, Surgical Oncologist, Calgary Alberta
Dr. Rodney Pommier, Surgical Oncologist, Portland, Oregon
Dr. Robert H Reid, Nuclear Medicine, London, Ontario
Dr. Riad Salem, Interventional Radiologist, Northwestern U, Chicago, Illinois
Prof. Girish Shah, Researcher, Laval University, Quebec City, QC
Dr. Simron Singh, Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto
Dr. Ehud Ur, Neuroendocrinologist, Head, Division of Endocrinology, University of British Columbia
Dr. Jean-Luc Urbain, Nuclear Medicine, London, Ontario
Dr.Aaron Vinik, Endocrinologist, EVMS, Norfolk, Virginia
Dr. Richard R.P. Warner, Professor of Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai School of Medical, New York, NY
Dr. Edward Wolin, Medical Oncologist, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Eugene Woltering, Surgical Oncology, New Orleans, Louisiana
Dr. Janice Wright, Inspire Health, Vancouver, BC
Peter Goodhand, the National CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society, will be at the conference for two days.
For further information about the conference or to register, visit the CNETS website or contact Maureen Coleman, President of CNETS, by phone at 416-544-8467 or by e-mail at