Tag: Richard Baum Bad Berka

15 Videos from the 3rd Theranostics World Congress
The 3rd Theranostics World Congress featured a patient education day on Saturday, March 14, made possible with support from the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation. The NorCal CarciNET Community provided funding to…
3rd Theranostics World Congress Offers Free Patient Program on March 14
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland will be the site of the 3rd Theranostics World Congress on Ga-68 & PRRT from March 12-14, 2015. Co-sponsored by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and Johns Hopkins Medicine, the…
Neuroendocrine Tumors Featured in Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Patient Program
Josh Mailman, President of the NorCal CarciNET support group and Chair of the Patient Advocate Advisory Board for the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), will give the Welcome presentation for the SNMMI Patient Education Day …
2nd World Congress on Ga-68, Molecular Imaging & Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
Chandigarh, India will be the site of the 2nd World Congress on Ga-68 (Generators and Novel Radiopharmaceuticals), Molecular Imaging (PET/CT), Targeted Radionuclide Therapy and Dosimetry: On the Way to Personalized Medicine from February 28 through…