Los Angeles Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (LACNETS)

Learn Advocate Connect Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (LACNETS)

LACNETS offers a weekly, virtual Support Group for neuroendocrine cancer patients and caregivers. The meeting creates a safe space to connect with one another, share information, experiences and network. This group is not limited geographically and is a great way to find empathetic support amongst those who have experienced the unique challenges of living with NET/NEN.

Join the LACNETS community via Zoom every Wednesday from 12:00 PM -1:30 PM Pacific Time. Please register here to receive the Zoom meeting link and weekly informational email reminders.


LACNETS also hosts a monthly, virtual NET Caregiver Support Group.  Typically held on the last Saturday of every month from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM, Pacific Time. This group is for NET caregivers only, so the challenges and experiences unique to caring for a loved one with NET, can be discussed openly.  Please register here.


LACNETS offers monthly Educational Events and Podcasts on a wide-range of important NET topics, treatments and clinical trials. Our Webinars feature multidisciplinary NET experts from across North America and an opportunity for live question and answer sessions. Register for our upcoming webinars, annual conference and in-person events here.

Videos from LACNETS Education Events can be viewed on our YouTube Channel . Search and find our webinars, conferences and podcasts by topic with our “Playlists” here:   


LACNETS created NET VITALS as a tool for patients to help identify and share the most “vital” information about their neuroendocrine cancer with their healthcare professionals. Our hope is that NET VITALS will empower patients to better understand their disease and improve patient-provider communication. Review and download the NET VITALS document here.


LACNETS NETCONNECT Mentors are available to connect with NET patients or caregivers one-on-one.


Whether you are newly diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer or a long-term survivor, our understanding mentors are here to support you and connect you with appropriate resources. Please send us an email at info@lacnets.orgto be connected with a mentor.

Contact: LACNETS Team