Vote for a Cause! Here’s a chance to help a terrific organization in the carcinoid/NET community, The Lois Merrill Foundation (LMF), win a $500 donation and a 2 week feature on, with the opportunity to receive up to 20% of great daily deals for restaurants, spans, fun activities and more in San Diego.
The Lois Merrill Foundation is one of 6 local nonprofits and charities in the San Diego, California, area nominated to participate in the iDeal4aCause vote for a Better SD Contest. Since 2007, the LMF has awarded over $100,000 in Medical and Foundation Assistance Grants. Let’s help them win the iDeal4aCause Contest so they can have additional funds to help carcinoid/NET patients! Voting is through October 14; please vote for the Lois Merrill Foundation!! Click here to vote: