Last spring, we were pleased to create an interactive resource for people living with Carcinoid Syndrome with our partner CancerCoachLive – we’ve teamed up again to create a new virtual education program that will provide a detailed walk-through for patients and caregivers that explains how a diagnosis is reached, gives lifestyle tips about what to eat when living with Carcinoid Syndrome, and how to medically manage it over time.
On Wednesday, June 20, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, we’ll be joined by medical experts from the University of Pennsylvania, patient advocate Grace Goldstein of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, and a patient who lives with Carcinoid Syndrome. You can send us questions now on the QBoard, and ask more during the live, online event. Click here to read more and register
After the live program, an on-demand version to watch at your convenience is available here:

Panelists for the June 20 Carcinoid Syndrome Online Event