Neuroendocrine Cancer Specialist Dr. Satya Das Presents Grand Rounds at Vanderbilt University

Have you wondered what it’s like to attend Grand Rounds dedicated to neuroendocrine cancer?  NET expert Satya (Nanu) Das, MD, MSCI, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Lead of the Neuroendocrine Tumor and PRRT Programs, has generously shared his Grand Rounds presentation: “Mapping the Odyssey – Defining the Landscape of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs).”  This excellent overview of NENs includes the history of the disease; classification, epidemiology and diagnostic approaches (neuroendocrine tumors or NETs versus neuroendocrine carcinomas or NECs); new directions in systemic therapies for NETs and NECs; and how to optimize NEN clinical trial design and move research and treatments forward. In addition to being a clinician and teaching at Vanderbilt, Dr. Das serves on the NCCN Guidelines Panel for NETs and the NCI NET Task Force. One of the most hopeful points Dr. Das makes is: “Patients with NETs with metastatic involvement can live for decades.”  Watch Dr. Das’ Grand Rounds presentation here: Thank you, Dr. Das, for educating medical professionals about NETs and NECs and inspiring the next generation of neuroendocrine cancer specialist physicians.

Satya Das, MD, Grand Rounds, June 21, 2022