NET Picture Party

Join us for a virtual, global NET Picture Party scheduled for November 10 – you don’t even have to leave your home!! Take a photo of yourself or your friends and family or co-workers having your own zebra party. You may have zebra cupcakes, black and white balloons or a zebra-striped t-shirt. Or you may just want to take a photo of your favorite zebra bed socks! Anything that makes you feel part of the zebra community. Please share this post with all of your friends and loved ones and invite them to join the NET Picture Party!!

Upload your photo on the NET Cancer Day Facebook page, and post a comment along with your photo, telling us briefly where the picture was taken (i.e. location, city, state/province, country).

Note: It is very important that you include the words “NET Picture Party” in your comment. This will ‘tag’ your photo and send it through to our special party page on the NET Cancer Day website. To view the images go to, we expect many countries will participate!

NET Cancer Day Zebra