In recognition of Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day on November 10, NorCal CarciNet is hosting a one-hour, free webinar. Here’s a great opportunity to hear from 3 of the leading specialists in carcinoid/NET cancer treatment on NET CANCER DAY: Professor Dr. Richard P. Baum, Bad Berka, Germany; Dr. Eric Liu, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee; and Dr. Thomas O’Dorisio, University of Iowa. The webinar will be moderated by Josh Mailman, President of NorCal CarciNET and Chair of Patient Advocacy for the Society of Nuclear Medicine, and Bill Claxton, founder of CNETS Singapore.
To reach as wide an audience as possible, the webinar will start at 7 am Pacific Time. Space is limited to 500 viewers/participants with dial in for up to 150 people with local non-toll-free numbers in 23 countries for those who will not be at a computer and would like to listen to the webinar.
To join, please register here: